baħar abjad imsaġar taż-żebbuġ

Under the Patronage of
His Excellency the President of Malta

Press Releases

Esperjenza d-Diversità Kulturali u l-Esplorazzjoni Artistika 2024

Hemm għadd ta’ avvenimenti u laboratorji eċitanti li qed iseħħu bħala 2024, li permezz tagħhom qed tintwera taħlita vasta ta’ espressjonijiet artistiċi u kulturali. Minn wirjiet li jsaħħruk għal laboratorji interessantiimmens, jistieden lill-parteċipanti biex jegħrqu f’dinja ta’ kreattività u ispirazzjoni.


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Il-Passaport ta’ Heritage Malta jiftaħ il-Biennale għan-nies ta’ kull età

Mijiet ta’ tfal, żgħażagħ, adulti u anke anzjani li jġorru l-passaport ta’ Heritage Malta diġa’ gawdew mill-qrib il-kwalità għolja ta’ arti kontemporanja esebita filbiennale li qed isir f’Malta matul dawn ix-xhur.



Il-Biennale jesponi mijiet ta’ tfal Maltin għall-arti

Mijiet ta’ tfal attendew attivitajiet imtella’ minn Heritage Malta bħala parti Fl-aħħar ftit jiem saru xejn inqas minn għaxar attivitajiet
differenti li l-postijiet fihom imtlew kollha.


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L-aħħar żjara uffiċjali tal-President George Vella kienet għ 2024 kellu l-unur jilqa’ lill-Eċċellenza Tiegħu, Dr George Vella, waqt l-aħħar żjara uffiċjali tiegħu bħala President ta’ Malta. Dr Vella, li ta l-patroċinju tiegħu għal dan il-biennale, żar il-bosta esebizzjonijiet u installazzjonijiet fi ħdan ilPadiljun Prinċipali, li lkoll juru għadd ta’ xogħlijiet vibranti li jirriflettu t-tema ċentrali: “baħar abjad imsaġar taż-żebbuġ.”

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Arti u kultura aċċessibbli għal kulħadd permezz

Matul tmiem il-ġimgħa, introduċa offerta speċjali hekk kif ingħata skont ta’ 50% fuq il-prezzijiet tad-dħul fis-siti ta’ Heritage Malta, li fihom qed jidhru x-xogħlijiet tal-biennale.

Piazza Armerina Sicily Thematic Pavilion jippreżenta għadd spettakolari ta’ padiljuni: Ċelebrazzjoni kulturali kollettiva!

Hekk kif infetħu beraħ il-bibien għ, nixtiequ nħabbru l-ftuħ grandjuż ta’ diversi padiljuni li se jkunu qed isaħħru lill-viżitaturi minn madwar iddinja kollha.

Press Coverage
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The island of Malta has launched its inaugural Biennale, but in a world of hundreds of Biennale’s can this new event make a mark? And most importantly can it make Malta stand out on the busy International art calendar, and drive visitors who come for the history and architecture to engage with its contemporary art scene?

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The emerging artists exploring resistance in the Mediterranean

Biennales hold up a mirror to ourselves. And while the forthcoming Venice Biennale currently faces criticism from the artist community for those it chooses to platform, Malta’s inaugural Art Biennale – running from now until the end of May

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Fittingly, the eve of the three-day preview of’s inaugural edition coincided with a new moon—a “super new moon in the watery sign of Pisces” at that—as a group of us learned from the invitation to the women-only new moon gathering hosted by artist Roberta Esposito. 

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Malta Biennale: Contemporary Art meets Heritage

The inaugural Malta Biennale 2024 invites exploration into contemporary art within the Mediterranean’s rich heritage landscapes. Featuring an impressive lineup of international artists, this event promises to challenge perspectives and foster dialogues through the theme “White Sea Olive Groves.”

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78 Le nombre d’artistes participant à la première biennale de Malte

Pensée comme une enquête sur la pensée insulaire, à rebours de l’imagerie des cartes postales, « Baħar Abjad Imsaġar taż-Żebbuġ (White Sea Olive Groves)

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The first-ever Malta Biennale, where ancient history meets contemporary art

The inaugural Malta Biennale gathers artists from around the world to examine contemporary issues, offering a new way of seeing the island’s stunning cultural heritage.

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Brilliant Things to Do in Malta

Compiling a city guide for one particular city in Malta is a difficult task, for the sole reason that Malta itself is so small – there is no way to give a good sense of this without pointing to it on a map: it is well over 200 times smaller than Ireland – and its ‘cities’ are so tiny, overlapping and interlinked, that treating each one as distinct feels illogical. 


Malta’s First Art Biennale opened, and it is Impressive

Themed “White Sea Olive Groves”, the biennale explores main socio-political themes through temporary installations in a celebration of contemporary art.


O nouă bienală de artă, în Malta – „Insulaphilia”, tema ediției de debut

Organizatorii unei noi bienale de artă care va avea loc în Malta au anunțat 72 de artiști din aproximativ 30 de țări care vor participa la ediția inaugurală, ce va avea loc anul viitor, între 11 martie și 31 mai, iar expozițiile vor avea loc în douăsprezece situri istorice din orașele de pe insulă.

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An Island of creativity: Unveiling the Malta biennale 2024

A sun-kissed pearl dropped into the cerulean waters of the Mediterranean, Malta is a true treasure of Southern Europe, shimmering with ancient history, captivating landscapes and a fiery local spirit.

Finestre sull arte

Biennale di Malta, ecco i nomi di tutti gli artisti che partecipano alla prima edizione

Tutto pronto per la prima edizione della Biennale di Malta. L’evento d’arte che andrà a invadere nel 2024, da marzo a maggio (la prima edizione s’intitolerà White Sea Olive Groves, ovvero gli “uliveti del mare bianco”, e la direzione artistica è affidata alla curatrice italiana Sofia Baldi Pighi)


8 Art Events To Know In 2024, Besides Art Basel

From established biennales to niche art fairs, there are plenty of art events to fill the calendar of any collector. But there’s only so much time (and money) to spend in pursuit of the best artwork—so here is a shortlist of the vital stops to travel to, aside from the globally dominant Art Basel, which has fairs in Hong Kong, Paris, Basel and Miami.